Monday, 26 September 2011


So, I've sucked at blogging. I've sucked at training too. I've sucked at consistency, I've sucked at interval training, I've sucked at fartlek training, I've sucked at regular long-runs, I've sucked at strength training and weight loss and anything else you can imagine.

But I'm still gonna bloody well do it.

In less than two weeks time, I'm going to go out and run 13.1 miles. Sure, I could be a lot more prepared, and sure, it would've been helpful if I hadn't twisted my ankle while out walking the English countryside two weeks ago, but that doesn't mean I'm going to give up the ghost completely.

Other things that would've been helpful:
- Not letting my first interval training session get the better of me. I seriously wanted to cry before, during and after it. I wish now I'd had the inner strength to just deal with it and go back and do another one the following week.
- Not letting my routine get out of whack because I went on holiday for five days.
- Not being a complete woos (how do you spell that word?) about not wanting to run because it was too hot. In London?! Come on!
- Not taking advantage of the fact that my bus trip to/from work was only 12 mins long because of the school holidays which meant that I wouldn't be able to "beat the bus" while running so what would be the point?

But I'm still gonna bloody well do it.

I've got my shoes, I've got my number (14205), I've got my timing chip, I've got my Refuge running vest. And, to be honest, I do have a lot more confidence that I can actually do this than I did when I first signed up, or than I have ever had before in my life.

Despite not being very consistent, and well, a bit crap at the whole thing really, I did manage to run 10.6 miles (17.1 km) on the weekend. This makes me realise that although I struggled to walk for the following two days, I can do this. Another 2.5 miles (4 km), at that stage of the game, will be okay. Especially with the added adrenalin of the day, and the people cheering me on...

Well, this is assuming that people won't have given up and gone home by then. I may be bloody-minded, but I am in no way Speedy Gonzalez. But that's okay - when I think about my sporting/fitness history (practically non-existent), just finishing will be an achievement. For this one at least (yes, scarily, I believe there will be another one!).

So, I will try to write a blog one more time before the Royal Parks Half Marathon, which is on Sunday 9 October, just to let you know how I'm feeling about it all as the big day looms.

In the meantime, please remember that although this is a physical achievement for me, the charity achievement is really important to me too - and is really the reason that made me let go of all the excuses and sign up. Please sponsor my run at

All money raised will go to Refuge, to help women and children who experience domestic violence. This is a charity that I have supported in both NZ and the UK and it is very close to my heart - nobody should have to live in fear of those who are supposed to love and protect them.

I've had loads of support since my last update - so THANK YOU Jon E, Charlotte, Sam (my number one training buddy), AL_A, Adam, Caroline, David, Margie, Amy, Todd, Mad, Win, Pip, Jonny, Steve and Hilary - you are all amazing and I truly appreciate it. You guys are way better at donating than I am at training and it's because of your generosity than my stubborn streak is kicking in... Anyone else?

Til next time.... keeeeeeeep running!